La profesora nos dijo una consigna que consistía en hacer una mapa conceptual de la importancia del agua para los seres vivos, ella nos lo corrigió y dijo que lo subamos al blog. Luego nos dijo que tenemos que transformar el mapa conceptual a un mapa visual.
Moral:”You must not
hit a child, they don't deserve it. "Part 1It was a horrible
day with a lot of clouds and it was raining. There were no birds in the sky. There were not trees and all the plants were wet as if someone had thrown a
bucket with water on them. Albert was good, terrible and an impatient
chimpanzee and he get married with a beautiful, lovely and poor chimpanzee that
was called Pepita and then they have three children, Lula that was a very good
chimpanzee because she helped a lot of people and she was very a good at
school, Bender was messy and a very bad on school, Robert was an intelligent
but lazy chimpanzee .One day when the children grow up he was dismissed from
his job and they got poor because he got
angry, he started hitting his poor and innocent Children. The Children were
surprised because the father have never hit them with that anger. -Stop! Please stop!
You are a bad man! - Shouted Pepita to Albert .-Shut up! - Albert
said to Pepita very Angrily.Albert was very
angry so he hit Pepita
En la clase de Francés estuvimos con las computadoras haciendo un pixton de una familia que inventamos, si quieren ver el pixton que hice yo, acá esta: