In the class of L/L writing we learnt how to write a literary essay and after doing some activities we wrote one based on the theory we had about "The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Literary essay: "the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde"
The story "The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stev
enson, talks about the life of Henry Jekyll, a scientist, who believes that human has a double personality and to prove his point of view he creates a potion to separate them. As a result he turns into his evil side, Mr. Hyde, who takes him to his death. This essay will explain what Jekyll's house and laboratory and Hyde's physical appearance symbolises.
In the book, Jekyll's house and laboratory are related with Jekyll and Hyde. Jekyll's house, which is well-appointed and it says it has "a great air of wealth and comfort", represents Jekyll because Jekyll is neat and his house is perfectly tidy. His laboratory, described as "a certain sinister block of building", represents Jekylls bad side, Hyde, because Hyde as the laboratory is ugly, disrupted, and unclean, and there is a connection between both buildings that symbolises the connection Jekyll and Hyde have as they are the same person.
Hyde's physical appearance, ugly, deformed, small, shrunken and hairy represents something. "I never saw a man I so disliked [...] He gives a strong feeling of deformity" said utterson, his ugliness and deformity symbolises his lack of moral and ethics, his small stature represents that he, as Jekyll's bad side, has been repressed from growing for many years, and his hairiness symbolises his animal instinct and the fact that he is immoral, he commits crimes because he enjoys it.
As a conclusion,jekyll's house symbolizes Jekyll and his laboratory simbolized hyde, the connection between the house and the laboratory symbolizes the connection Jekyll and Hyde have, and Hyde's physical appearance symbolizes different things about his personality, we think this book tought us we do not have to try to be what we are not and that things are not always what we think they are, things are not always going to happen as we think, things can go wrong or change.
miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014
domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014
La venganza
La venganza
El plan es perfecto. No puede fallar. Es perfecto. Todos tenemos un objetivo, el mío es asesinar al presidente, Leopoldo Fortunato. Todo mi pueblo, todos mis amigos me van a amar. Sobre todo mi hija. Mi hija. Clara. Lo único que me frena es no sobrevivir. Clara. A veces pienso que va a sentir orgullo por lo que hice. Liberar al pueblo. Y eso me saca adelante. Pero también está mi esposa Sara. Pobre Sara. No puedo creer lo que hice. Cuando, después de un año, llegue a casa. Casi sin marcas en mi cuerpo. No puedo creer lo que hice. Entré. No podía creer que ya había llegado. Apenas vi la oscuridad, un recuerdo llegó a mí.
Estaba yo. Sentado. En la esquina de un cuarto oscuro. Había estado ahí mucho tiempo. Lo sabía. Mis ojos ya se habían acostumbrado a la poca luz. Pude abrir la puerta. Con ayuda de una ganzúa que estaba en una madera que cubría una chimenea a mi lado. Apenas la abrí había…
-¡Papi, papi!- Era mi hija Clara. Hacía casi dos años que no la veía. El recuerdo desapareció.
-Al fin llegaste, Tobías- Era mi esposa - ¡Te extrañé tanto! –
Vinieron directamente a abrazarme. Ya no las quería dejar nunca más. Nunca les conté lo que pasó. Entramos a comer la cena. Cuando Clara dejó la habitación, no sé qué pasó. Sara me clavó la mirada. No sé por qué. Cómo si me odiara. ¿Por qué será? No entiendo ¿Por qué las dejé? ¿No saben que me obligaron? Yo no quise ir. Si no iba las mataban ¿Qué no entienden? Dejé todo por ellas. Sacrifiqué mi vida ¡hasta tuve que beber mi propia orina para no morir! Se los prometí. Prometí que iba a volver. No las podía defraudar.
Dejé pasar todo. Dejé mi furia dentro. No me quería pelear.
Fuimos a dormir
Tuve muchas pesadillas. Creo que fueron malos recuerdos. Era yo. Estaba en la guerra. Justo cuando estaba luchando. Mire a un costado para ver a mis compañeros. José, como un suicida, había cruzado a golpear a un inglés que lo había amenazado. Aparecieron dos más. Decidí ayudarlo. No sé por qué. Cuando estaba llegando me tropecé y caí. Cuando quise mirar al frente ya no había nada. Todo se apagó. No podía respirar. Estaba asfixiado.
-¡Tobías!- Quedé sorprendido. Cuando miré a Sara su cuerpo tenía varios moretones por todos lados. No me podía mover. Salté de la cama y la quise abrazar para contenerla ero ella no me dejó. Le pregunté qué pasó, quién había sido. Lo iba a matar
- Fuiste vos- quede paralizado – cuando dormíamos, vos me agarrabas fuerte y no me soltabas, pedias ayuda. Era cómo que no podías respirar. Quise ayudarte pero no me dejabas y me dejaste estos moretones. Me da miedo. No sé qué pasó. Pero por favor ten cuidado con lo que le haces a Clara –
Eso era demasiado ¿amenazarme? Llego a casa después de haber sufrido terribles cosas y lo único que hace es amenazarme con mi dulce hija Clara. ¿Qué tiene contra mí? ¿No se dio cuenta de que yo no controlo eso? Y lo peor fue cuando estábamos jugando, yo y mi hija, Clara había traído, súper contenta, a sus muñecas. Apenas empezamos a jugar vino la celosa de Sara y le dijo a mi dulce Clara que se tenía que ir a bañar ¡falsa! ¡Celosa! Solo quiere sacármela, Clara es lo único que tengo y nadie me la va a sacar, y menos mi esposa, solo porque estaba jugando conmigo y no con ella ¿Qué no sabe qué hace dos años que no la veo?
Apenas dejaron la habitación decidí hacer el plan. Estaba decidido a vengarme por todos del gobierno. Qué no había hecho nada por mí y todos mis compañeros cuando nos secuestraron. De a poco fue tomando forma en mi mente. El plan era este. Me invitaron a participar de un programa de televisión, ya que yo era uno de los pocos sobrevivientes, dónde va a estar el presidente. Me voy a presentar y con solo apretar un botón todo va a explotar. Él, yo y muchas personas más van a caer. Pero eso no me detenía. No me importaba sacrificarme y sacrificarlos por venganza. Con qué él muera era suficiente.
Ahora estoy acá. En el medio del programa, esperando, ansioso, decidido a apretar el botón. Está hablando el presidente, yo estoy por apretar el botón. Alto. Suena mi celular, es mi esposa, Sara.
-¿Qué pasa Sara?-
-¿Papi?, vas a volver ¿no?- ¡Es Clara!
-Claro que si Clara – No sé qué decir
- Prométemelo-
No puedo decir que no –Lo prometo –
Estoy llorando.
The strange murder
'Hello, i need an ambulance in Picadilly Circus right now!', My grandfather shouted.
I don't know how this happened. It was summer at 11pm at London streets, I was running to my grandmother's house because my parents live there, I didn't live there because I am 25 years old and I live in an apartment alone. My mother was having a new baby, my sister Carol. I was running so fast until i saw a yellow light and then... I didn't know, i didn't remember.
Ten years later i woke up, i was in a crambed hospital.
'Hey!! He woke up, mother he woke up!' A little girl shouted.
'Oh my god!! Hello Jessie, we are your family, do you remember?', My mother asked me.
'I remember you, but where is my father and who if the little girl?', I whispered.
'I'm Carol, your little sister, don't you remember?' Said Carol.
'Your father is next to you Jessie', my mother told me.
I got up without saying anything, i had to uso crutches but i could get to the stretcher where my father was. I watch him for a long time, he didn't open the eyes, i pushed him but he didn't react. Certaintly i didn't have enough strength. I started crying, I thought he was dead but my pretty sister told me that he was sleeping and in some hours he had to woke up. I felt confused, baffled and disorganized. I saw my hand and it was dirty but i looked myself in the mirror and i was totally filthy.
'If you want, i can tell you everything that happened', my mother murmured.
'Please', I agreed.
'It was a dull and dim night. I was having your charming sister Carol', my mother stammered.
'Yes, I remember that', I added.
'You were coming to your grandmother's house to see your little sister but in one moment the phone rang. After a long time your father answered the phone and started crying. He threw the phone and started saying "It was an old friend of secundary school, actually It was an enemy of secundary school, his mane was Thomas. During school I constantly won and he regularly lost and he began to cry, well, that's not the inportant part, he was telling me that he saw our son running in the street. He also told me that he would take revenge for everything that I had done when I was a child... He would crush him". He started running with your grandfather to save you. Your grandfather saw everything that happened, he told me that you were across the street and that there was a car going so fast to you. Your father ran so fast and pushed you, you fell in the streets and you hit your head on the floor. Your father saved your life, Thomas crashed him instead of crashing you. The your grandfather called the ambulance and thay took you to this hospital', she wailed.
Second year
students from Newlands school in Adrogue have presented excellent ideas for
events at school during the “workshop” and they shared them with the whole
school at the auditorium at 9 am last Friday.
The first thing
they had to do so as to be able to present the ideas, was to show them to
Mariana Gavilan and Silvia Retaroli, headmistress of secondary school. After
having shown them the ideas, they were excited about them. Besides, they were
happy that second year wanted to share them with all students at school.
Their first idea was
to run a poster competition. Each student had to design a poster about the
environment. The example they provided was to come to school by bike and not by
car. Another option was to share car journeys so as to save gasoline. The
final plan was to have a display, in the main hall together with all the
objects you can recycle. For example, they could show how plastic bottles can
be made into coats.
Fortunately, everyone
was very enthusiastic about the workshop. The next thing second year students
want to do is to advertise the events during the week by sending a letter to
all teachers to share their students. “We are glad students are working hard on
workshops” said Silvia and Mariana. They also said that they wanted other
classes to join them and to be part of these great ideas
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