13 of July 1839
Today I had an interesting time, I can't believe this, but it was real, it was amazing. In the morning I discovered that people have double personality, so I made a potion to separate the bad personality from the good one. After a very long time of making the potion I finally decided to be brave and to drink it. So when I drank the potion, I started to feel shorter, fatter, confused, bad, weird, mean, aggresive, awful, terrible but I also felt good and wonderful but what I really felt was different. There was something that wasn't there and when I looked myself on a mirror, I was shorter, fat and also I had.... I don't know... I looked like a different person, It was Mr Hyde. I was horrible, extremely horrible but at the moment I felt something radiant, sensational, fabulous and fascinating. Besides, I decided to check if the potion was temporal or permanent so I drank it again and up to now it had happened. Now I'm very exhausted so I am going to bed and dream about this. Good night.
15 of July 1839.
Today was a terrifying day. I was like wallowing in trash, I felt horrible like a monster. In the evening I was walking in the street when I looked at my wrist to see what time it was, but when I looked at my hand it had a lot of hair, my fingers were very large, my nails were disgusting, they were all dirty and short as if I have eaten them until there was nothing. I started to fel something in the stomatch abd when I touched my face I thought it wasn't my face, it was the face of a monster. I felt good because I descovered that the potion worked again , but then I recognised that a little girl discovered me when I transformed so I started to follow her and when I finally caught her I hurt her. Then I nedeed to sign a check but I didn't realize and I signed as Dr. Jekyll so now I need to buy a place for Mr. Hyde, a place to live and a bank account. Now I feel awful with the things I do and very exhausted because to have a double personality isn't an easy job... Goodbye
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