sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Vivir es recordar

En la clase de Literatura estuvimos leyendo un par de cuentos de Alejandro Dolina. La profesora nos dio un titulo, "vivir es recordar", y desde ese mismo hacer un texto incorporando si estábamos de acuerdo o no y escribir sobre nuestra opinión acerca de eso. Acá esta mi texto:

Vivir es recordar

A recuerdo se le llama a situaciones pasadas que se quedan en la mente. El recuerdo es uno de los factores que nos hacen a nosotros ya que nos hace saber nuestro pasado, quien somos y que vivimos. Tal vez los recuerdos no son del todo ciertos pero lo mas importante es con lo que se queda la mente. A veces la mente fantasea y los recuerdos que recordamos no lo son en realidad, sino que son momentos que confunde la mente o que ella misma los crea.

Sin embargo, no todos los recuerdos son buenos. Existen momentos felices y tristes. La mayoría de las personas quieren olvidar los momentos que los hacen llorar, que los angustian pero a mi manera de ver esos momentos tristes son los que hacen que otros recuerdos nos hagan felices. Por ejemplo cuando recordas un momento triste se te caen un par de lagrimas pero después de ese momento dolorido una persona te contiene te dice que todo va a estar bien y te sentís mejor. ¿Por qué? Porque sin tristeza no hay felicidad.

Por el otro lado, tambien estoy de acuerdo con la idea del olvido porque, en mi opinión, si recordamos cada momento en detalle nos volveríamos locos y la mente no descansaría. Nuestra memoria es limitada gracias a dios, el hombre se olvida de algunos momentos específicos pero también la memoria recuerda otros.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2016


In the class of EM we are studying the different climates so the teacher told us to look information about them. I’ll describe them below:

Hot desert: It belongs to group B, arid and semiarid climate, according to Koppen’s classification.  A desert is an arid area of land where little precipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are horrible for plant and animal life. It’s located in the Sahara, Saudi Arabia, large parts of Iran and Iraq, northwest India, California, South Africa and Australia. Furthermore, the temperatures go from 50°C during the day to below 0°C during the night.

Tundra: It belongs to group E, polar and alpine climates. This climate is the coldest one due to the fact it has extremely low temperatures and little precipitation. There is low biotic diversity. It’s located in most of Greenland, parts of Alaska, northern Canada, and northern Russia. There are two types: Arctic and Alpine. The arctic is known for its cold, desert-like conditions. The growing season ranges from 50 to 60 days. The average winter temperature is -34° C (-30° F), but the average summer temperature is 3-12° C (37-54° F) which enables this biome to sustain life. Alpine tundra is located on mountains, at high altitude where trees cannot grow. The growing season is approximately 180 days. The nightime temperature is usually below freezing.

Cold: It belongs to group E, polar and alpine climates. The polar regions are the coldest regions on Earth. They are also called “eternal ice”. It is an ice climate and the average temperature of the warmest month is between 0 und 10 degrees Celsius. The precipitation is variable, mostly in the form of snow. This type of climate is found in Antarctica, Greenland, Scandinavia, Siberia, Canada, Alaska and South America. In addition, the plants growing are: Bearberry, Dandelion and Iceland moss.

Equatorial: It belongs to group A, tropical/mega thermal climate. There are high temperatures all year round. The average monthly temperatures are about 26 – 28 degrees Celsius and there are 2000 mm of rainfall or more in a year. It is located around the equator and cover wide areas in South America, Central Africa and South-East Asia. Trees in this area are hardwood, durable and heavy, some examples are Seraya and Ebony.

Savannah: It belongs to group A, tropical/mega thermal climates. There are wet and dry seasons. The location are 5 to 15 degrees north and south of the Equator experience a tropical continental climate. Moreover, 1000 mm of rainfall per year, during the dry season, there is little or no rainfall. The plants which grow in these areas must be able to survive long periods with no rainfall and the vegetation is known as tropical grassland or savanna.

Monsoon: It belongs to group A, tropical/mega thermal climates. Monsoon has a high mean annual temperature and a low annual temperature range, the annual temperature is 27.05. There are abundant rainfall and long dry seasons of several months. Additionally, it’s located in South and Central America. However, there are sections of South Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and North America.